Injecting Love Into This Planet One Loving Thought at a Time
Welcome to
my loving world…
Where we all have the power to heal ourselves.
Our healing process begins when we take conscious responsibility for the thoughts and feelings we project into the world, forgive ourselves, and make the effort to align with more loving thoughts that have the potential to open us up to a whole new level of perception beyond what we ever thought was possible.
This is mind mechanics.
How to use this website:
-Read the first 24 pages of my novel, “The Lighthouse: A Journey of Conscious Ascension” which is based on a yearlong journey to self-love I embarked upon. The full novel will be released soon!
-Check out Mind Mechanics - The Conscious Mind Mentoring Program: Simple mind programming instructions I wrote to help
re-train your mind through loving intention and self-compassion and to aid in developing belief in yourself and your conscious power. This is achieved by consistently remembering to shift your perception to a love-based lens no matter what’s occurring in your world. This free program requires your participation in choosing the thoughts you think over an extended period of time, until you feel their powerful effects ripple into your life. Lesson Two teaches how to track messages from your astral guides through the recognition of synchronicities and signs in your physical environment.
-Watch the book trailer for my upcoming novel “Telepathy Between Hearts”
-Delve into the story of how I healed my own negative mind and life through consistent mental effort over a span of 8 years.
Welcome Home!
When you invite your conscious mind to the party, it’ll sweep your inner world clean of those unwanted, lingering guests.
“ALWAYS CONSCIENTIOUS OF THE NEED TO REINFORCE EMPOWERING MESSAGES TO ALL children and especially young girls, I had Heather come to one of my yoga classes to share her journey to self-love with a group of 10-12 year old’s. The response to the message of “The Lighthouse” was astounding. Even girls who appeared to be the epitome of self-confidence opened up and shared their own stories of pain and degradation, often at the hands of “friends”. One mother contacted me to say how powerful Heather’s story was for her daughter who went to sleep still talking about it. Suddenly hope and discussion replaced hidden fears and hurt. Heather, once bullied, and suffering from physical and emotional repercussions, is a sterling example of how we can rise above anything with courage, inner strength and a daily dose of self-love. So, we too, took the challenge to offer ourselves love every day. One of the most inspiring true stories of our times, it is one that needs to be shared with adults and children alike, replacing the shadow of self-doubt with the inner spark of self-love.”
– Barbara W, London, ON, Certified Children’s Yoga Specialist